Watch LaterAdded Webcast Drifting Brian ConklinSeptember 15, 2019 April 11, 2020 We have learned a lot of lessons while floating and kayaking our local rivers. Stay with us as we apply these lessons to our life in... 01140 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Fellowship Brian ConklinSeptember 1, 2019 April 11, 2020 Fellowship, gathering, get-together, assembly, and congregation are all terms for the same thing. We use these to describe when peop... 01330 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Not Alone Brian ConklinJuly 14, 2019 April 11, 2020 Ever wonder “why me” or “why do bad things happen to good people?” Today, we are going to look at those questions on Cell Life Churc... 0390 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Come Together Brian ConklinJuly 7, 2019 April 11, 2020 When we gather together regularly, we encourage one another. We spur one another on to even greater things than we could accomplish... 0150 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Pentecost Brian ConklinJune 9, 2019 April 11, 2020 We all need and should want the power of the Holy Spirit in our life. We all should be asking God to baptize us in the Holy Spirit.... 0180 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Speaking Life Brian ConklinJune 2, 2019 April 11, 2020 There’s a great song by Toby Mac titled Speak Life. We want to take a few moments with you today and discuss what it means to speak... 0230 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Neighbors Brian ConklinMay 26, 2019 April 11, 2020 “Won’t you be my neighbor?” was a common question that one pastor often asked people in his circle of influence. Join us for Cell Li... 0500 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Pride & Humility Brian ConklinMay 19, 2019 April 11, 2020 There are good and bad things about pride and humility in life. Stay with us as we talk about Pride and Humility on Cell Life Church... 0820 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Mothers Day 2019 Brian ConklinMay 12, 2019 April 11, 2020 Today is Mother’s Day! Stay with us as we talk about our favorite people, Moms, on Cell Life Church Live. 0320 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Mission: Go Brian ConklinMay 5, 2019 April 11, 2020 As a child, I remember the excitement and anticipation of Christmas morning or my Birthday when I would be given a gift. Join us for... 0550 Continue reading