Watch LaterAdded Webcast Mothers Day 2019 Brian ConklinMay 12, 2019 April 11, 2020 Today is Mother’s Day! Stay with us as we talk about our favorite people, Moms, on Cell Life Church Live. 0320 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Mission: Go Brian ConklinMay 5, 2019 April 11, 2020 As a child, I remember the excitement and anticipation of Christmas morning or my Birthday when I would be given a gift. Join us for... 0550 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast God’s Solution to Man’s Problem Brian ConklinApril 21, 2019 April 11, 2020 God has the ultimate answer to Man’s ultimate problem. Stay with us as we share about Easter and celebrate communion on Cell Life Ch... 0760 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast I Will Build My Church Brian ConklinApril 14, 2019 April 11, 2020 When you hear the word church, I’m sure certain images appear in your mind. Stay with us as we discuss what Jesus meant when he said... 01071 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Weeds in Our Lives Brian ConklinApril 7, 2019 April 11, 2020 The other day we were out doing yard work. I was painstakingly removing weeds from the lawn one by one with a weeding tool. Stay wit... 0360 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Agents of P.E.A.C.E. Brian ConklinMarch 31, 2019 April 11, 2020 Most of us have thought about being a secret agent at some time in our life, most likely when we were children. Stay with us to lear... 0440 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast God Does Not Choose Sides Brian ConklinMarch 24, 2019 April 11, 2020 Conservative or liberal, science or faith, capitalism or communism, Wesleyan or Calvinist. We often take these positions and try to... 0950 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast The Sabbath Is Brian ConklinMarch 17, 2019 April 11, 2020 We read in Genesis that after 6 days of creation, God, the Creator, took a day and rested. Stay with us as we talk about what that m... 0240 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Pardoned Brian ConklinMarch 10, 2019 April 11, 2020 Imagine sitting in a prison cell with a life sentence and then a guard comes along and opens your cell door. Stay with us as we shar... 0190 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Blessed Brian ConklinMarch 3, 2019 April 11, 2020 One of the first times Jesus sat down to teach his disciples he opened his teaching with something quite profound. Stay with us to f... 0390 Continue reading