Watch LaterAdded Webcast The Harvest Is Great Brian ConklinOctober 15, 2023 October 15, 2023 Every day we see more people in need and most look to governments to solve these humanitarian crises. But God has a different plan.... 02831 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast God’s Timing Is Best Brian ConklinOctober 1, 2023 October 1, 2023 Trust and patience are two of the most difficult things we face as people. God’s timing is best for us to have what need to have tru... 0661 Continue reading
Watch LaterAdded Webcast Running From God Brian ConklinJuly 12, 2020 July 12, 2020 When I was young, I remember my mother often saying, “Do what you are told, when you are told.” That was good advice as a child and... 01570 Continue reading